
Oko De La Tribu De Sunka -  CHOVNÝ PES / Stud boy 

k dispozícii na limitované krytie pre chovné sučky/ available as stud for limited approved and health girls 

- from FRANCE

ED: 0/0
OCD: neg/neg.
SA: Normal
PA: Normal
LTV: Normal

- CEA: clear
- DM: clear
- HUU: clear
- NCL6: clear
- NCL8: clear
- NCL10: clear
- NCL12: clear
- RS: clear
- GG: clear
- GS: clear
- SN: clear
- TNS: clear
- EIC: clear
- VWDI: clear
- PRA-PRCD: clear
- CD: clear
- HC: clear
- CMR1: clear
- CMR2: clear
- CMR3: clear
- CMO: clear
- ERD: clear
- OCD: clear
- PLL: clear
- PLN: clear
- RD: clear
- MDR1: clear
- Myotonia: clear
- Factor V11: clear
- NCL5: clear
-CDPA, IVDD, CDDY: clear

Lokus A: at/at N/N

Lokus B: B/b; b/b
Lokus D: D/D non dilute
Lokus M: non merle
Brachycephaly: normal
Polydactyly: normal
Chondrodysplasia: normal
Coat: long, non curly
Tail: long docked

Očné testy na dedičné očné vady/ Hereditary eye defects: 2021, 2022 - all CLEAR : (Persistent pupillary membrane PHTVL/PHPV Cataracta RD Hypoplastic/micro-papilla CEA Entropion/trichiasis Ectropion/ Macroblepharon Dictichiasis/Ectopic cilia Corneal dystrophy Cataract non -congenital Lens luxation primary Retinal degeneration ICAA)

Plnochrupý, nožnicový zhryz, tmavý pigment/  Full teeth, scissors bite, dark pigment

Výborná povaha (povahový test na 99 bodov)/ Nice character (test 99p./100)
Candidate for Champion of Slovakia, Candidate for Champion of Hungary, Candidate for Champion of France 

Veľa titulov, niekoľko x BOB, BOS, CAC, res.CAC / More titles BOB, BOS, CAC, res.CAC